Study, describe and draw slides

N° 86 — purulent leptomeningitis (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). At low and high magnifications, describe thickening of the pia mater, its infiltration with some purulent exudate, vasodilatation of the pia mater. Name the type of the inflammation, the causative agent, complications and outcomes.

N° 94 — laryngeal diphtheria (stained with hematoxylin and eosin).At low magnification, describe thickening of the mucous coat with presence of the fibrin-containing exudate which reaches the submucous layer, describe the state of the vessels; make differential diagnosis between the laryngeal diphtheria and descending croup; list possible complications of intubation and tracheostomy.

N° 190 —parynchematous myocarditis (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). At low magnification, describe foci of myolysis in the myocardium, plethora of vessels, as well as focal interstitial infiltration with lymphoid cells; name the pathological process, list possible outcomes.

JNe 191 —peribronchial pneumonia in measles (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). Describe the state of lumens in the bronchi, presence of some purulent exudate in them; pay attention to metaplasia of the cylindrical bronchial epithelium into a stratified squamous one, as well as infiltration of the

bronchial wall with leukocytes. What are the main causes of the disease? List possible outcomes.


1. Name the organs on whose membranes development of local changes is observed in measles: a) ..., b) ..., c) ..., d)....

2. Name kinds of morbillous bronchites depending upon the character of spreading of the inflammatory process: a)..., b)..., c)..., d)....

3. What morphological changes does the heart develop in diphtheria? a)..., b)....

4. List the main complications of diphtheria.

5. What causes the second (allergic) period of scarlet fever: a)..., b)... ?

6. List complications of the septic form of scarlet fever: a)..., b)..., c)..., d)..., e)..., f) ....

7. Say what changes the lungs develop in whooping cough: a)..., b)..., c)....

8. Autopsy of a girl, aged 5 years, has revealed the following changes: microfocal hemorrhages in the region of the buttocks, lower extremities, eyelids and on the sclerae, as well as serous pericarditis, and massive hemorrhages in the adrenal glands. It is known that the child died 25 hours after the onset of this disease. What is your diagnosis? What is the name of the syndrome which has developed?

Answers: 1. a) mucosa of the fauces, b) that of the trachea, c) that of the bronchi, d) the eye conjunctiva. 2. a) endobronchitis, b) meso-bronchitis, c) panbronchitis, d) peribronchitis. 3. a) alterative myocarditis,

b) interstitial myocarditis. 4. a) laryngeal diphtheria, b) descending croup,

c) hemorrhages, ulcerations, d) pneumonia. 5. a) sensibilization of the body with a streptococcus, b) hyperergic response. 6. a) retro-pharyngeal

abscess, b) otitis-antritis, c) purulent osteomyelitis of the temporal bone, d) cervical (Dupuytren's) phlegmon, e) brain abscesses, f) purulent meningitis.

7. a) interstitial emphysema, b) spontaneous pneumothorax, c) atelectases.

8. Meningococcal infection, meningo-coccemia, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1458;

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