Stages of individual work in class Study and describe macrospecimens
Primary pulmonary tuberculosis complex.Ymd components of the primary tuberculosis complex. At what age does it appear most frequently? What kind of tuberculosis does it
morphologically manifest? List processes taking place in healing of the primary tuberculosis complex. Give the name of the primary tuberculosis complex healed.
Tuberculosis leptomeningitis. Point out the localization of the process. Describe the pia mater. In what kind of the process progression does it appear? What complications may develop?
Renal tuberculosis. Point out the localization of the process. Describe morphological changes in the kidney. What form of tuberculosis is it? List possible complications.
Spinal tuberculosis. Study and describe the macro-preparation. What is the appearance of vertebral bodies and intervertebral disks? What form of tuberculosis is it?
Fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Point out the localization of the process. Describe the appearance of the lung on section. Pay attention to the state of the cavity, the character of its walls. What does the surrounding pulmonary tissue look like? What are the ways for spreading of the process in the lung? What are the complications and causes of death?
Study, draw and describe the slides
N° 109 — miliary pulmonary tuberculosis (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). This preparation is intended for demonstration purposes.
N° 111 — caseous pneumonia (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). Study the micropreparation. Specify, when tuberculosis develops exudative inflammation. Name the outcomes of caseous pneumonia.
N° 201 — healed primary tuberculous focus (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). Describe morphology of Ghon's focus. Name stages in the primary affection healing.
1. Ways of invasion of the causative agent of tuberculosis into the human organism: a)..., b)..., c)..., d)..., e)....
2. Complications of postprimary tuberculosis: a) ..., b)..., c)..., d)..., e)....
3. What are Abrikosov's reinfection focus and Assmann-Redecker focus?
4. Name variants in the course of primary tuberculosis.
5. Clinical-morphological forms of postprimary tuberculosis.
Answers: 1. a) aerogenic, b) alimentary, c) through skin lesions, d) tonsils, e) placenta. 2. a) pulmonary hemorrhage, b) pneumothorax, c) pleural empyema, d) secondary amyloidosis, e) «pulmonary» heart. 3. a) fresh foci of postprimary tuberculosis, more frequently in segments I — II of the right lung, b) postprimary infiltrative tuberculosis, where perifocal inflammation prevails over caseous changes. 4. a) morphological healing and clinical recovery, b) progression via different ways, c) chronic course. 5. a) acute focal, b) fibrofocal, c) infiltrative-pneumonic, d) tuberculoma, e) acute caseous pneumonia, f) acute cavernous, g) fibrocavernous, h) cirrhotic, i) pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with occupational diseases.
Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1657;