Stages of individual work in class Study and describe macrospecimens
Fibroma of the skin. Characterize the appearance of the tumour, its connection with the skin, name the most frequent
localizations, enumerate the types of fibroma according to the density.
Fibromyoma of the uterus. Describe the appearance of the tumour, its colour, presence of a capsule, enumerate the types of fibromyoma of the uterus according to the layer of the last one, possible complications, malignant analogue.
Lipoma. Describe the appearance of the tumour, its colour, consistency, localization, name the malignant analogue of lipoma.
Cavernous hemangioma of the liver. Describe the appearance of the tumour, its color, borders, the content of the cavities, type of the tumour.
Sarcoma of the femur, forearm, foot. Name the organ, describe the tumour, its attitude to the surrounding tissue, the ways of dissemination.
Study, draw and describe the slides
JNe 151 —fibromyoma of the uterus (stained according to van-Gieson). Describe if the tumour has a capsule, pay attention to the atypical tissue, disorders in collocation of picrynophil and fuxinophil fibres of different thickness. Draw the specimen.
N° 152 — cavernous haemangioma of the liver (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). Determine the organ, describe the state of the cavities of the tumour, the attitude of the tumour to the tissue of the liver, the size of the cavities, their bed and content. Draw the specimen.
N° 163 — low-differentiated sarcoma (stained with hematoxylin and eosin). Determine the structure of the tumour, the sizes and shape of its cells, variety of mitoses and cellular atypism. Draw the specimen.
Study the ellectronograms
Fibrosarcoma, x 12 000.
Pay attention to the tumour cells containing elongated nuclei with irregular distribution of chromatin.
Rhabdomyosarcoma, x 22 000.
Find binuclear cell from myofibril bundles going in different directions.
Osteosarcoma, x 16 000.
The tumour cells have a big indented nucleus with marginal location of chromatin and well-pronounced nucleoli. A thin rim of cytoplasm surround the nucleus. On the peripheral part of cell there are masses of osteoid tissues.
1. Name benign tumours from lipid and muscular tissues: a)...,b)...,c)...,d)...,e)....
2. The inception of sarcoma. Name the most frequent ways of its dissemination.
3. Name malignant tumours from vessels: a)..., b)... .
4. What are the secondary changes in fibromyoma: a)..., b)...,c)....
5. What are the types of osteoma?
6. A female patient has multiple painful formations of different size in the subcutaneous fat of the thigh. What is the diagnosis? What is the outcome of the disease? Name a malignant variant of the disease.
7. What is the most frequent localisation of chondroma?
Answers: 1. a) lipoma, b) hibernoma, c) rhabdomyoma, d) leiomyoma, e) granular-cell tumour. 2. Malignant tumour from mesenchyma. Hematogenic. 3. Malignant haemangioendothelioma, haemangio-pericytoma. 4. a) necrosis, b) development of cysts, c) hyalinosis.
5. a) spongy, b) compact. 6. Derkoum's tumour. Relapses are possible. Liposarcoma. 7. a) hands and feet, b) vertebra, c) breastbone, d) pelvic bones.
Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1711;