Making Assembly Drawing

1. Necessary and sufficient amount of representations are determined thus, the external and internal elements of an article were fully exposed on an assembly drawing.

2. The scale of a drawing is determined depending on complication of an article and its sizes, a paper format is chosen according to State Standard 2.301-68. A frame and title block are drawn.

3. Overall rectangles or circles are marked for placing of representations and the axes of symmetry are drawn.

4. Necessary sectional views, sections, additional representations are drawn. If any sectional view is to be drawn, fix the position of the cutting plane and find out the parts through which cutting plane passes. Difficult parts are drawn simultaneously on all of representations of an article.

5. Other parts are drawn.

6. The executed drawing is checked up, the lines of visible and invisible contours are drawn, sectional views and sections are shaded. Change hatching directions in adjacent sectioned components.

7. Extension and dimension lines are drawn and size numbers are marked.

8. Part numbers of component parts of an assembly unit are marked.

9. A title block is filled in, technical requirements and technical description of an article is shown in case of necessity.

If an article is designed in a shape of a symmetric figure, it is recommended to combine the half of view with the half of the proper sectional view. Fixing, keys, connecting rods, axles and shafts in a longitudinal section are drawn undissected. Such elements, as spokes of fly-wheels, pulleys, gear-wheels, thin walls as stiffening ribs are cut, but are drawn unshaded, if a cutting plane passes along an ax or a long side of such element.

Shadings of one part in sectional views on different representations are drawn under one angle, maintaining the identical interval of shading. Shadings of contiguous parts are drawn in different directions.


Figure7.1 – Assembly drawing


Figure 7.2 – A parts list

An assembly drawings are done, as a rule, with simplifications and conventions.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-18; просмотров: 1279;

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