Any moving particle itself is not an ethereal flow (as opposed to real ethereal streams created by the lack or excess of Ether in the ethereal field). But, nevertheless, due to the fact that particles are filled with Ether, an effect of action of the moving particle on the particle met on the way is much like the action of the Field of Repulsion.
The similarity lies in the fact that in each of these cases the particle seeks to move away from the Ether pressing on it – from the Ether filling the particle, or from the Ether of Fields of Repulsion.
The difference lies in the fact that if the particle is fixed by some Field of Attraction (for example, by Field of Attraction of a chemical element) and can’t freely move with the Ether pressing on it, in the case of the action of Repulsive Field the Ether of this Field passes through it. The Ether enters into the particle and transforms it. But the Ether filling a particle can’t leave it and enter in another particle, on which it presses and, accordingly, its transformation doesn’t occur.
The most common example, when the Force of Pressure arises in particles – is collision of particles.
The pressure on a particle very often leads to arising the Force of Inertia and the beginning of its inertial motion.
A)The particle, exerting pressure on other particle, is free (not a part of any conglomerate of particles) and moves by itself – by inertia.
Accordingly, at the time of collision it has the Field of Repulsion and the Inertial Force acts in it. However, due to the fact that the ethereal field, relative to which it moves, offers resistance and displaces the Ether emitted by the particle backward, the particle presses not with the help of the Ether of Repulsive Field, and by the Ether filling it.
B)A particle that exerts pressure is a part of the conglomerate of particles, such as a chemical element.
A chemical element, in turn, is a part of the body, which is just moving by inertia.
As a result, the particles in the elements on the surface of the body put pressure.
Not all particles of the elements of the body that is moving by inertia form a Repulsive Field at the moment of inertial motion. Therefore, as a particle with the Field of Repulsion and a particle with the Field of Attraction may exert pressure on the analyzed particle. However, in any case, the Ether filling the particle puts pressure on the investigated particle. Even if it is a particle with the Field of Repulsion, because the emitted by it Ether is displaced during the inertial motion back under pressure of the surrounding ethereal field.
So, let's summarize and give definition to all 4 types of Force.
The Force of Attraction – is the reason that causes a particle to move in the direction of a lack of Ether appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the universe.
The Force of Repulsion – is the reason that causes a particle to move away from an excess of Ether appearing anywhere in the ethereal field of the universe.
The Force of Inertia – is a tendency of a particle to move away from its own Ether emitted by its rear (on the direction of moving) hemisphere.
The Force of Pressure of the particle surface – is a tendency of a particle to move in the same direction that and other particle, exerting pressure on it.
Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1231;