Ether is Energy. This is the main thing you must remember always. Ether is Energy.

We urge you not to invent something new where there is not fully understood and used the old one. Let's try to review the laws of classical mechanics, given the fact that the space is filled with particles. And also let’s formulate new laws. Relying on the old revised and the new laws let’s try to lay the foundations of mechanics of elementary particles – of Ethereal Mechanics. We are confident that the laws of classical mechanics can be successfully used to explain all the phenomena of the microcosm. And we will try to show it in this book.




A) Particles Yin – absorbing Ether – form the Fields of Attraction in the ethereal field of the Universe.

Ether tends to move to such particle in accordance with the first principle of Ether behavior – "In the ethereal field voids do not appear". This ethereal flow moving in the direction to the particle is a Field of Attraction.

Every particle Yin absorbs per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Because an ethereal field is uniform everywhere, has no compression or sparseness, we can talk about speed of absorption of Ether. The speed of absorption will just indicate an amount of Ether absorbed by a particle per unit of time.

B) Particles Yang – emitting Ether – form the Fields of Repulsion in the ethereal field of the Universe.

Ether tends to move away from such particle in accordance with the second principle of Ether behavior – "In the ethereal field the areas with excess density do not appear". This ethereal flow moving away from the particle – is a Field of Repulsion.

Each particle emitting Ether emits per unit of time a fixed amount of Ether. Emission speed indicates the amount of Ether emitted by particle per unit of time.



Now let's draw a parallel between the physical term that exists in science – mass and the concepts frequently used in this book – Fields of Attraction and Repulsion.

Particles with Fields of Attraction (Yin) are responsible for the process of gravitation - that is, for attraction of other particles towards them. Field of Attraction – this is mass.

Particles with Fields of Repulsion (Yang) are responsible for the process of anti-gravitation (still unrecognized by official science) – i.e. for the process of repulsion from them other particles. In science there is not compliance with the concept of Repulsion Field; therefore we will have to create it. Thus, Field of Repulsion – is antimass.

Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1476;

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