Both interacting particles have the Fields of Attraction.

A) The magnitude of Attractive Fields of both particles is the same. In this case, each of the particles at the same time is attractive and attracted. In each of the particles the Attractive Force arises and it forces the particle to come closer to the second particle.

In this case, each of the particles is located in the composition of the ethereal cloth. And this ethereal fabric shrinks from both sides, and both particles move in its composition. And each of them obeys to the first principle of behavior of Ether - "In the ethereal field voids do not appear". In accordance with this principle, from each side there arises an ethereal flow, directed to the second particle. I.e. each of these particles creates toward itself an ethereal flow – the Field of Attraction. And other particle responds to this ethereal flow, because it is also filled with Ether. Therefore it moves in the composition of this ethereal flow in the direction of a second particle which is its cause.

The Force of Attraction of each of two gravitating particles - is an ethereal flow, carrying it to another, attracting it particle. We can estimate the Force of Attraction of each of two attracted particles, measuring the speed with which the attracted particle comes closer to the attracting one.

What factors determine the speed of approaching of the attracted particle to the attracting?

Well, firstly, the magnitude of the Field of Attraction of the attracting particle. This is the first factor. An ethereal flow, which has in its composition the attracted particle, comes closer to this particle exactly with this rate. Magnitude of the Field of Attraction, as we recall, is the value of the rate of absorption of Ether by the object forming this field. The speed of the Ether motion to the object, forming this field, depends on the distance to the object. The greater is the distance, the slower is a flow of Ether and the lower, respectively, the Force of Attraction to the object that arises at this point. Thus, the distance to the attracting particles - this is the second factor influencing on the magnitude of Attractive Force.

And finally, the third factor - is quality of the attracted particle. Quality of particles can be any. This is either Attractive Field or Repulsive Field. And the magnitude of the field can be any. In this case we are talking about the attracted particle with Field of Attraction. So why does quality of the particle affect on the magnitude of Force of Attraction?

All the matter is that any particle with Field of Attraction, absorbing the Ether, thereby constantly creates around the so-called "ethereal pit" (ethereal void). It turns out that the particle will fall into "ethereal pit" which it constantly creates itself at the other side, where there is the attracting particle. And the rate of creation of "ethereal pit" corresponds to the rate of absorption of the Ether by the particle itself – i.e. its magnitude of the Field of Attraction.

Thus, now we will take and slightly modify the formula of Isaac Newton, describing the law of gravitation. Of course, the scientist applies his law only to macro-objects - in particular, to the heavenly bodies. But any body is constructed of chemical elements, which in turn are built from elementary particles. And so gravitation in the first turn is inherent to elementary particles. In the formula of Newton the Force of Attraction equals the product of two masses divided by the square of distance between the bodies:

F = m1 × m2 / r ² (coefficient G is left aside here, because we want to draw your attention to the basic physical quantities).

Amendments to this formula will be as follows. First, instead of the multiplication we use the sum. In order to know at some point of time the speed at which the investigated attracted particle comes closer to the attracting object, we need not to multiply their Fields of Attraction (masses), namely to summarize them. The Field of Attraction - is the speed of moving of Ether to the object which absorbs the Ether. In order to know the speed of particles is necessary to sum the speed of ethereal flow generated by the attracting particle (the magnitude of its Field of Attraction at this point), as well as the speed of falling of the attracted particle into the "ethereal pit" created by this particle.

So we just have to take the mass of the attracted particle and to add to it the Attractive Field of the attracting particle, calculated for a given point, i.e. considering the distance. To do this, we do not take an initial magnitude of the mass of the attracting object, and the mass divided by the distance. I.e. the formula for calculating Force of Attraction must have the form:

F = (m1 / r) + m2, where m1 / r - is the mass of the attracting object, calculated for a given point, i.e. considering the distance, and m2 - is the mass of the attracted particle. This formula can be applied not only in relation to one individual elementary particle, but also to chemical elements, as well as bodies.

Pay attention! This formula is suitable only for those cases where an object itself has the Field of Attraction – i.e. mass. If the attracted particle has antimass (i.e. generates the Repulsive Field), the formula will change somewhat. How it will change, we will see below.

The Field of Attraction increases as we approach to the source of this field. This means that the closer to the source of gravity, the higher the speed of the ethereal flow. For this reason, approximation of the attracted particle to the attracting particle occurs not with a constant speed, but with acceleration. Please note, should not confuse this acceleration with acceleration of bodies, which is observed during their free fall in the atmosphere of celestial body.

In this case, the Fields of Attraction of both particles are equal. This means that both will approach each other with the same acceleration. However, as we’ll see in the following example, all will be somewhat different in the case if the Fields of Attraction of particles are not the equal. And even the biggest difference will be when the attracted particle has the Field of Repulsion instead the Field of Attraction.


Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1435;

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