An attracted particle has the Field of Repulsion.

In this case, Force of Attraction also arises only in one particle - which has the Field of Repulsion. The particle with Field of Attraction is the Force.

In this case, the attracted particle is also moving towards the attracting particle in the composition of the ethereal flow, which it creates. However, the attracted particle with Field of Repulsion constantly emits Ether in all directions - including in the direction of the attracting particle. Thus, this particle constantly increases amount of Ether, separating it and the gravitating particle – i.e. constantly forms a kind of "ethereal cushion" that prevents a rapprochement of the particles or just slows it.

Repulsive Field - it is also an ethereal flow, which not approaching to the particle, but moving away from it. And all the particles that fall into zone of action of this ethereal flow also move with it and move away from the source of this Repulsive Field. I.e. because an attracted particle has the Field of Repulsion, it causes a response Force in attracting particle - Force of Repulsion.

Particles will approach still closer or there will be their distancing or the distance between them remains constant, it depends on the Fields of Attraction of the attracting particle and on the Field of Repulsion of the attracted particle. If both fields at a given point are equal in magnitude, the distance between the particles will remain unchanged. If the magnitude of the Field of Attraction at a given point of Attraction is more in modulus, the particles will approach to each other. And if the magnitude of Repulsive Field of the particle is more, the distance between the particles will increase.

And here is the promised formula for the calculation of the initial Force of Attraction of the particle, which itself has the Field of Repulsion.

F = (m1 / r) - am2, where m1 / r - is the mass of the attracting object, calculated for a given point, i.e. considering the distance. And am2 - is the antimass of the attracted particle. Please note, here we make not summing of the Fields of Attraction and Repulsion, but their subtraction. We produce subtraction for the reason that the Repulsive Field of the attracted particle reduces the speed of motion of the particle in the direction to the attracting particle each moment of time.

Let us illustrate the above formula with help of small computing.

Let's assume the mass of an attracting particle equals 9 conventional units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3 conventional units, and the distance between the particles is 2 units. Then, according to the formula the primary Force of Attraction in the attracting particle is: F = (9/2) - 3 = 1,5.

Since the Force of Attraction here has the "+" sign, the attracted particle with the Field of Repulsion will approach to the attracting particle.

There is another example. The mass of an attracting particle equals 6 conventional units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3 units, and the distance between the particles is 2 units. Then, according to the formula the primary Force of Attraction in the attracted particle is: F = (6/2) - 3 = 0.

Since the Force of Attraction in this case is zero, there will not be the rapprochement of the particles or the distancing of them.

There is the third example. The mass of an attracted particle equals 4 conventional units. The antimass of an attracted particle is 3 units. The distance between the particles is 2 units. Then, according to the formula the primary Force of Attraction in the attracted particle is: F = (4/2) - 3 = -1.

In this case, the Force of Attraction has the "-" sign. This means that the particles will go away from each other.



Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1566;

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