In this book ethereal mechanics serves as an alternative to quantum mechanics. And quantum mechanics as is known seeks to understand the nature and the laws of the behavior of elementary particles. Ethereal mechanics is moving to the same goal. An alternative title of this book is "Mechanics of elementary particles (Souls)".
Quantum mechanics was developed in the early XX century in connection with the discovery of radioactivity. The phenomenon of radioactivity was a proof that substances (chemical elements) are composed of smaller constituent parts – elementary particles. With some of the principles of quantum mechanics we agree, with others – do not. In the future we will talk about this in more detail.
In addition we do not share the propositions of relativistic mechanics (with some exceptions). We remind you that the special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein was laid down as the basis of relativistic mechanics.
Relativistic mechanics expresses the point of view that objects of microcosm in their movement and behavior in general are subjects of entirely other laws of mechanics, than macroscopic objects. I.e. allegedly the laws of classical mechanics can’t be applied to micro-objects, such as elementary particles.
We do not agree with such opinion.
It may seem surprising, but classical mechanics is the key to solving of all problems in physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology. The laws of this mechanics underlie of absolutely each natural phenomenon, but not exactly in the form in which they currently exist.
When we talk about bodies – dense, liquid or even gaseous, we think that everything that happens to them is very natural. Bodies move – by inertia, under an influence of gravity, or by continuous exposure (pressure) to them by other bodies. Also, they are deformed or destroyed. Anyone is free to watch this all, describe and explore. That is what scientists around the world are doing.
However, these methods are completely inappropriate for the study of micro-world – chemical elements and elementary particles – stable and unstable. Their sizes are too small, so we can’t directly observe visually them and how they behave. Hence, all the problems and complexities of quantum physics and the plethora of theories seeking to discover the nature of the microcosm and the laws by which it exists.
In this work, the Ageless Wisdom Teachers in the face of one of them – Master Djwhal Khul – defend the position according to which a structure of any body is eventually reduced only to elementary particles. All is constructed of them. Indivisible elementary particles – are stable particles. Unstable particles – are conglomerates collected from stable particles. In turn, the smallest conglomerates build the bigger ones, and so on – and finally we can see the bodies appreciable for view.
And if you accept, at least temporarily, the statement that everything is built from the stable elementary particles, then it would be logical to assume that the laws that govern the mechanical behavior of bodies are suitable and for that from which these bodies are built, that is, for particles. Moreover, you should realize that mechanics of a body consists of mechanics of each smallest component in its composition. And if the particles would obey to any other Laws of behavior, then of course and the bodies woven from the particles would be guided by the same Laws.
Let us recall the well-known occult expression – "As above, so below". Bodies are attracted because the particles in their composition have the ability to gravitate. And the repulsion of bodies takes place only due to the fact that a certain type of particles is repelled in their composition. And inertial motion of a body – is the result of inertia of the particles.
Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1348;