The Rule of Parallelogram of Forces reads as that the resultant force vector is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the vectors of two summands of forces as on the sides.
This rule surprisingly well helps to precisely calculate the direction in which a body will move (or will try to move), if more than one Force acts on it. And in our world every body always experiences at the same time an impact of the myriad of external forces (because any particle in any chemical element - is a source of Force).
Moreover this Rule is perfectly suited for elementary particles. With its help we can precisely learn the direction in which an elementary particle will move at every moment of time if two or more Forces act on it at the same time. And also we can learn the ratio of the values of Forces - initial and resultant. And the type of each force can be any. The diagonal of Parallelogram - this is an indication of direction, as well as a measure of the resultant Force. However, please note the important factor - we should built the new Parallelogram of Forces for each next moment of existence of the particle.
Let's take a little closer look at the essence of the Rule of Parallelogram. And in the course of this analysis we will give it a slightly different name – the Rule of Subordination to the Dominant Force. This will allow us to better understand the characteristics of behaviour of elementary particles (and any conglomerates of particles), because the Rule of Parallelogram in the form of which it exists now does not fully reveal the meaning of what is happening with the particle, when more than one Force affects on it. For example, it says nothing about the fact that there are different types of Forces.
Dominant Force – is the Force, which is greater in magnitude. As we said earlier, magnitude of the Force - is the rate of ethereal flow entraining the particle. Moreover, Ether, which fills the particle, can act as an ethereal flow (as in the case of the Force of Pressure of the particle surface).
The Rule of Subordination to the Dominant Force (the Rule of Parallelogram) comes down to the fact that the particle, on which act more than one Force, to the greatest extent will obey to the biggest of them. What does this mean? This means that the vector of the resultant force at each moment will be more shifted towards the vector of Force with the highest magnitude. That is, the biggest Force prevails, but other Forces also have an effect on the position of the resultant force vector. You can further specify the name of the rule - Subordination to the Dominant Force with an accounting of actions of the remaining forces.
The Dominant Force shifts the vector of the resultant Force in its own direction more than others. And other, smaller forces do not allow this vector to fully submit to this biggest Force. They pull the vector in their direction in proportion to their magnitude.
During the analysis of any situation, when more than one force acts on the elementary particle, we should consider a number of factors. First, you need to know how many forces influence on the particle and the value of each of them. Secondly, you need to know the vector of mutual disposition of the forces. And third, you must consider the type of each force. Only after evaluation all these factors we can try to calculate the direction and velocity of the particle at every moment of time. Let's take a little closer look at these factors.
Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1288;