Higher education in Ukraine has a long and rich history. Its students, graduates, and academics have long been known and appreciated worldwide.
Higher education in Ukraine is provided at universities, academies, and institutes, technical schools, colleges, conservatories (i.e. musical academies). All of these institutions offer both professionally-oriented and academic programs and have the respective level of accreditation.
The length, beginning, end and organization of the academic year are determined by the higher educational institution (HAI) and depend on the type of the curriculum. For example, the Master’s degree for economists usually requires five years of studies, whereas medical students study for 6 years.
The official beginning of the academic year in Ukraine is the 1st of September. There is no common end of the academic year. The academic year usually consists of two terms (semesters). The length of a term and academic breaks may vary among HEIs. The length of the examination period depends on the program and the mode of its delivery.
The students can take either the full-time courses (day) orpart-time courses (evening classes). Sometimes they can do an external course.
Admission to the higher educational establishment is selective and depends on the applicants’ abilities. HEIs admit their students on the basis of the results of the External independent evaluation or External independent testing. Furthermore, an applicant needs to have the Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education.
Higher education is either state funded orprivate. Students who study at state expense receive a scholarship if their average score at the end-of-term exams and differentiated tests is at least 4.
There are two degrees conferred by Ukrainian universities: the Bachelor's Degree (4 years) and the Master's Degree (5–6th year).
Studying and acquiring education in Ukraine is considered very prestigious. More than 90 percent of Ukrainians have eithera secondary orhigher education.
In Great Britain schooling for children is compulsory from 5 to 16.
British education includes three main systems: comprehensive, selective and private or independent. 90% of secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive. It means that all children may go from one school to another without taking any exams, and without being selected according to their abilities.
By the selective system children at the age of 11 (after primary school) are selected for certain schools according to their abilities. The most successful go to a grammar school, where they receive a more academic education. Grammar schools give pupils from the age of 11 to 18 a high level of education which can lead to the university.
About 7% of children go to private schools. The most expensive private schools are called public schools. Most of them are single-sex (for boys or girls only). Historically, they were called 'public schools' because scholars could come there from any part of England and not, as was generally the case, just from the immediate neighbourhood. Schools in Scotland supported by public funds are also called 'public schools' but they are not fee-paying independent schools.
Дата добавления: 2016-09-06; просмотров: 1818;