Summary and test questions
Test questions - 1
1. How do we classify protozoans? Describe the main representatives of each class.
2. What diseases are caused by protists?
Class Sporozoa (parasitic protozoa).
3. Describe the structure of protozoans.
4. Describe the class Mastigophora.
5. Describe the class Sarcodina.
6. Describe the class Ciliophora.
7. Describe animal-like protists.
8. How can protists reproduce?
Test questions - 2
1. What are invertebrates? Give general description of simple invertebrates.
9. What is the function of each cell layer in a sponge?
3. How many tissues are found in coelenterates?
4. How are coelenterates more complex than sponges?
5. Describe the three main classes of coelenterates.
6. What are the main characteristics of the endoderm and ectoderm layers of freshwater hydra?
7. What are the main peculiarities of structure and nourishment of hydra? Show its similarity to protists.
8. What is the structure of hydra’s nervous system?
9. What is cnidoblast?
10. How do coelenterates reproduce?
11. What structure do coelenterates have?
12. What way are hydras, jellyfish, sea anemones and corals different?
Test questions - 3
1. Give main characteristics of the Phylum Plathelmintes.
2. Recount the main features of the roundworms.
3. What is the structure, and the main representatives of segmented worms? Why are they important?
4. What are the basic characteristics of flatworms?
5. What is the difference between many-cilia and little-cilia worms?
6. Outline the life cycle of the pork tapeworm?
Test questions - 4
1.What classes can mollusks be grouped into? Describe their special structures.
2.How do mollusks protect themselves?
3.How are the cephalopods different from other mollusks?
4.What do different mollusks feed on?
5.What are the three features of the octopus that enable it to lead a predatory way of life?
7.Describe the respiration in a coelenterate, an earthworm, an aquatic snail.
Test questions - 5
1. How do we classify arthropods? Recount the main features of their external structure.
2. In what two ways are all arthropods alike?
3. What do crustaceans have in common? How do they differ from other arthropods?
4. For what purpose does the spider use its web?
5. Why are insects so widespread?
6. What are the three body divisions of insects?
7. What is a social behavior of insects? What kinds of social insects do you know?
8. What are the three stages of incomplete metamorphosis?
9. What are the four stages of complete metamorphosis?
10. How can insects be beneficial to humans?
Test questions - 6
1. Recount the main features of Phylum Chordata and subphylum Vertebrata.
2. Give characteristics of the two main classes of fish.
3. How does an endoskeleton differ from exoskeleton?
4. How does a closed circulatory system differ from an open one?
5. How are vertebrate nervous systems different from invertebrate nervous systems?
6. How do fish move and get oxygen in water?
8. What is spawning?
Test questions - 7
1. Name the three orders of amphibians and give an example of each.
2. How does temperature affect amphibians?
3. What are some differences between frogs and toads?
4. In what ways do salamanders differ from lizards?
5. Describe habitats preferred by land salamanders.
Test questions - 8
1. In what ways do salamanders differ from lizards?
2. What are the four main groups of reptiles? What common features do they have?
2. How are reptiles different from amphibians in reproduction?
3. What is the structure and function of the reptile’s heart?
4. In what ways do snakes help people?
5. Tell the difference between the ectothermic and endothermic animals.
6. What are the differences between alligators and crocodiles?
7. How do the limbs of reptiles differ from those of amphibians?
Test questions - 9
1. Describe the ways in which many birds are built for flight.
2. What is the advantage of maintaining the constant body temperature?
3. How do birds differ from other vertebrates?
4. What are the ways birds are helpful and harmful for humans?
5. What kind of structure do birds have?
Дата добавления: 2016-07-18; просмотров: 1880;