Questions to control basic knowledge

1. Definition of pyelonephritis.

2. List the forms of extracapillary exudative glomerulonephritis: a)..., b)..., c)... .

3. What groups of hereditary tubular enzymopathies do you know: a)...,b)..., c)....

4. As the outcome of which diseases does nephrosclerosis develop: a)...,b)..., c)...?

5. List morphological changes in uremia: a)..., b)..., c)..., d)...,e)....

6. Problem. The autopsy of the man who had chronic fibrinous cavernous tuberculosis and died of uremia has demonstrated large waxy kidneys. Name the pathological process, which complicated the course of the basic disease.

Answers: 1. It is infectious disease involving the renal pelves, calyces and the substance of the kidneys with primary damage of the interstitial tissue. It is interstitial nephritis. 2. a) serous, b) fibrinous, c) hemorrhagic. 3. a) latent, b) proteinemic, c) nephrotic, d) azotemic. 4. a) tubulopathies with polyuria syndrome, b) tubulopathies manifesting as rickets, osteopathy, c) tubulopathies with nephrolithiasis and nephro-calcinosis. 5. a) primary hypertension, b) atherosclerosis, c) diabetes mellitus. 6. a) pharyngitis, b) esophagitis, c) gastritis, d) enteritis, e) colitis. 7. Kidney amyloidosis.

Questions to control the knowledge

1. Classification of kidney diseases.

2. Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis; renal and extrarenal symptoms of glomerulonephritis; classification according to the topography of the process, the character of tissue reactions and the type of exudation; macro-and microscope peculiarities of acute, malignant and chronic glomerulonephritis.

3. Nephrosis: definition, classification, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy and the outcome.

4. Kidney amyloidosis: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy of its stages, complications, the cause of death.

5. Chronic and acute tubulopathies: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications and the cause of death.

6. Nephrolithiasis and pyelonephritis: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complication, the cause of death.

7. Nephrosclerosis: definition, causes, kinds, outcomes.

8. Chronic renal insufficiency: definition, pathological anatomy.

9. Kidney tumours.


Glomerulopathies, glomerulonephritis; membranous, mesangial, mesangio-proliferative, mesangio-capillary, lobular, terminal, fibroplastic, exudative, productive, intra- and extracapillar; tubular; tubulointerstitial, tubulointerstitial vascular components of glomerulonephritis; acute malignant, chronic glomerulonephritis; «mottled kidney»; semilunar formations of productive type; glomerulosclerosis, tubulopathy, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1814;

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