Types of reportage.

Place and importance of reporting in international journalism

The concepts of "reportage", "reporter" in the theory and practice of journalism.
The main characteristic of reportage as a genre. Constituent elements of reportage. Report in the newspaper. TV report. Running commentary.

The main component of reportage - event. Event as the center display in the report. Types of events in the report. International event, especially the lighting.

Event before event and after the event-reporting. Journalism News selects audience is local events and facts. Moreover, the selected angle. Facts presented in the news, it looks like a significant (an event of international importance), or entertaining.


Reportage - a genre of journalism, operatively and brightly to "transfer" from the scene, a genre of journalism, giving quick visual representation of the event through the prism of worldview of the author, his party or witness.
The basis of reporting is the use of the method of observation and, therefore, the presence of a journalist on the scene is a must. In fact, the reportage - the author's step recording the results of his observations. Journalists in order to write a report, must ensure that the developments, identify key issues, to fix people's behavior, participants or witnesses of the event.

The main features of the genre:

1. Clarity (the sum of the use of "sensory details": sounds, colors, smells).

2. Dynamic (gradual development activities, the availability of the plot, the ties, the main action, culmination and denouement).

3. Informativeness (maximum intensity parts: facial expressions, body language, clothing of the participants and their speech and behavior, in addition, a journalist has to describe the surroundings).


Well-written report should cause the reader "presence effect" (as if he is in that place, which describes the author) and "the effect of participation" (the reader's emotions permeated characters or report). Reportage - a genre of fable, the text is written always from the start event to its completion, the time in the report discrete, intermittent nature of it due to the fact that a journalist stops at the most key, the significant moments.

Types of reportage.

1. Event- quickly reflect socially important events in chronological order. The most common type.

2. Cognitive - based on the theme that a reporter highlights. This is a story about the life of the working group, research laboratories, research institutes, etc. Efficiency of these materials is reduced. The appearance of this kind of reportage is related with certain events in society - anniversaries, etc.

3. Problem - contains elements of event analysis, author generalizations and conclusions. The author attracts additional information, figures, documents, certificates.
4. Report with the experiment - brings intrigue, as a journalist models a situation that will allow him to learn something, to test the reaction of people in an unexpected situation, etc. In this participants of the experiment do not know that became the object of study. As a rule, in the experiment journalist " changes his occupation," becomes for the time a security guard, janitor, etc. The author's task - clearly record the progress of the experiment and its results.

Two main features are in the language and style of reportage: documentary and fiction. They must be in perfect balance, if prevail artistry, the report will fiction, if documentary - the report will be featureless, strict and uninteresting.



1. Korkonosenko S.G. Foundations of Journalism. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2001.
2. Ermishina E.V. International exchange of information. - M., 1988.
3. Lazutina G.V. Professional ethics of journalists. - M., 1999.

4. Manure A. Let's talk about the reporting. - Moscow, 1986



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