Learn the following active words and use them in the sentences of your own


In 1800 Alessandro Volta constructed the first source of continuous current. Since that time numerous scientists and inventors, Russian and foreign, have greatly contributed to the further development and to the practical application of electric current.

At present one cannot imagine modern civilization without the electric current. We can't imagine how people could do withoutthe electric lamp, without vacuum cleaners, refrig­erators, washing machines and other electrically operated devicesthat are widely used today. In fact, telephones, lifts, electric trams and trains, radio and television, mobile phone and computer have been made possible only owing to the electric current.

You are certainly familiar with the important partwhich the electric current playsin our everyday life. From the moment when we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night, we widely use electric power. During the day we also use a lot of electrical devices, mak­ing useof the computer, telephone, telefax and so on. As for the evening, if we study or read, by an electric lamp, watch television, play computer games, go to the cinema, we certainly use electricity.

Although we are more familiar with the application of electricity in our everyday life, elec­tric power finds its most important use in industry. The electric motor transformselectric power into mechanical power. It finds a wide application at every industrial eneterprise. As forthe electric crane, it can easily lift objects weighing thousands of tons.

A good example which is illustrating an important indus­trial use of the electric current is the electrically heated furnace.Great masses of metal melted in such furnaces flow like water. Speaking of the melted metals, we might mention one more device using electricity - that is the electric pyro­meter. The temperatureof hot flowing metals can be easily measuredowing to the electric pyrometer.

These are only some of the numerouss industrial applications of the electric current.


Learn the following active words and use them in the sentences of your own

Apply (v) применять, использовать

Application (n) применение

Current (n) ток

Device (n) прибор, устройство

Develop (v) разрабатывать, развивать(ся)

Electricity (n) электричество

Enterprise (n) предприятие

Furnace (n) печь

Industrial (a) промышленный

Invent (v) изобретать

Measure (v) измерять

Serve (v) служить, обслуживать

Scientist (n) ученый


2. Translate the following chains of words into Russian, define what part of speech they are:

Science – scientist – scientific-scientifically; develop – developer - developing - development, invent - inventor - invention; measure- measuring- measurement; apply – application - applicable— appliance; use – user – useful - useless - usage; transform - transformer - transformation; electric- electricity – electrical - electrically; serve - server-service - servant.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1583;

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