Look through the text and write out the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.
Что касается, обходиться без чего-либо, использовать , играть роль, вносить вклад в, благодаря чему-либо, становиться возможным.
4. Make word combinations using adjectives in the left column and the nouns in the right column.
Modern application
Numerous development
Further inventors
Electric civilization
Industrial current
The Participle
Participle I | Participle II | Perfect Participle | |
Active | writing | - | having written |
Passive | being written | written | having been written |
5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the participle:
1. The student is translating an article on refrigerators.2. The student has translated an article. 3. The article is translated by the student. 4. The article is being translated by the student. 5. The student translating an article is my fellow-student. 6. The article translated by the student is difficult. 7. Translating an article, the student used a dictionary. 8. Having translated the article, the student gave it to the teacher. 9. Having been asked to translate the article, the student translated it very well.
6. Form four sentences using the words given below.
1. lift, the, heavy, can, electric, objects, crane.
2. finds, industry, power, in, application, electric, wide, a
3. does, study, he, at, not, the, university
4. day, use, every, do, devices, you, electrical
5. the cinema, go, to, we, yesterday, not, did
7. Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Does the motor find a wide application in industry? 2. Is Volta a Russian scientist? 3. Does your friend go to the university on foot? 4. Did you go to the theatre yesterday? 5. Is there an electric lamp on your table? 6. Has your friend bought a new bicycle? 7. Are there many trolley-buses and trams in your city? 8. Do you watch television every day? 9. Do you use electrical devices? 10. Can you do without electricity? 11. Does the electric current play an important part in our life? 12. Does the electric motor transform electrical power into mechanical power? 13. Is the electric current necessary for the operation of trolley-buses and trams? 14. Is your room heated by an electric furnace?
8. Complete the sentences.
1. In 1800 Volta constructed the first source of …. … 2. One cannot imagine … … without the electric current. 3. Today we widely use many … … devices. 4. Electricity has numerous … … 5. Electric motor transforms … power into … one. 6. Electricity finds … … at every factory. … … furnace is a good example of the industrial application of electricity. Electric … measures the temperature of hot flowing metals.
9. Translate the following sentences:
1. Электрический мотор, преобразующий электрическую энергию в механическую, используется в повседневной жизни. 2. Говоря об электрическом токе, мы можем упомянуть имя Вольта. 3. Электрический пирометр измеряет температуру расплавленных металлов. 4. Поработав на предприятии, мой товарищ поступил в институт. 5. Электрические приборы, упомянутые в этой статье, были созданы русскими учеными. 6. Измеряя температуру горячих металлов, студент пользовался пирометром. 7. Измерив температуру металла, мы начали измерять температуру воды.
10. Put all possible questions to the following sentence:
The electric motor finds a wide application in industry.
11. Form sentences using the following expressions:
To play a part in; to go on foot; to do without; to make use of; to be familiar with; to get up; to go to bed; to watch television; owing to
12. Speak on:
1. The use of the electric current in industry.
2. The use of the electric current in our everyday life.
13. What do you call a device which:
1. measures the temperature of hot melted metals.
2. transforms electric power into mechanical power.
3. lifts objects weighing thousands of tons.
4. lights your room.
Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 2103;