External means of enriching vocabulary


Very many new words appear in New English due to borrowing. It is necessary to say here that the process of borrowing, the sources of loan words, and the nature of the new words is different from Middle English and their appearance in the language cannot be understood unless sociolinguistic factors are taken into consideration.

Chronically speaking, New English borrowing may be subdivided into borrowings of the Early New English period – XV-XVII centuries, the period proceeding the establishment of the literary norm – in the XVIII-XX centuries, the period which is generally alluded to as Late New English.

- Early New English borrowings (XV – XVII centuries)

Borrowings into the English language in the XV – XVII centuries are primarily due to the political events and also to the cultural and trade relations between the English people and peoples in other countries. Thus, in the XV century – the epoch of Renaissance, there appeared in the English language many words borrowed from the Italian tongue:

Cameo, archipelago, dilettante, fresco, violin, balcony, gondola, grotto, volcano;

In the XVI century – Spanish and Portuguese words such as:

Armada, Negro, tornado, mosquito, renegade, matador

And also Latin (in the language of culture of that period), for instance:


- verbs, with the characteristic endings-iate, -ute;

aggravate, abbreviate, exaggerate, frustrate, separate, irritate, contribute, constitute, persecute, execute, etc.

- adjectives ending in -ant, -end, - ior, -al:

arrogant, reluctant, evident, obedient, superior, inferior, senior, junior, dental, cordial, filial.


As a result of numerous Latin borrowings at the time there appeared many etymological doublets:






(direct ) strict strait (through French)




Senior sir




Fact feat


In the XVII century due to relations with the peoples of America such words were borrowed as:

Canoe, maize, potato, tomato, tobacco, mahogany, cannibal, hammock, squaw, moccasin, wigwam, etc.


French borrowings – after the Restoration:

Ball, ballet, billet, caprice, coquette, intrigue, fatigue, naïve.


- Late New English borrowings (XVIII – XX centuries)

- German: kindergarten, waltz, wagon, boy, girl


- French: magazine, machine, garage, police, engine, nacelle, aileron


- Indian: bungalow, jungle, indigo

- Chinese: coolie, tea

- Arabic: caravan, divan, alcohol, algebra, coffee, bazaar, orange, cotton, candy, chess

- Australian: kangaroo, boomerang, lubra

- Russian: borzoi, samovar, tsar, verst, taiga, sputnik, lunnik, glasnost, perestroika, etc.


In New English there also appeared words formed on the basis of Greek and Latin vocabulary. They are mainly scientific or technical terms, such as:


telephone, telegraph, teletype, telefax, microphone, sociology, politology, electricity, etc.




Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 2588;

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