A pipe conical thread is also a fastener and it is used for the higher requirements to sealing joints.

Screw-thread sizes are determined by State Standard 6211-81. A thread taper is 1:16 (j°=1°47’24”). A thread profile is shown in fig.4.6. The size of a pipe conical thread and its diameter is measured in the so-called basic plane which coincides with the bearing face of the thread opening. They are fully identical with the analogical sizes of a cylinder pipe thread with the same conventional size in this plane. Consequently, these parts with a pipe conical screw-thread can be joined with the parts where the pipe cylinder thread of the same size is made.

Figure 4.6 - Pipe conical thread profile

Figure 4.7 - The conventional drawing of a pipe cylinder thread


The conventional denotation of this thread (fig. 4.7) consists of the Latin letter R (for external thread) or RС (for internal thread), nominal size in inches and for the denotation of a left-hand thread in case of need. An example of the conventional drawing of a pipe conical thread in an opening with the size of 2 inches is RС2.


Дата добавления: 2016-07-18; просмотров: 1482;

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