Since the time of Galilei and Newton the straightness and equability is considered as the only two characteristics of inertial motion. But the reality is somewhat different.
Isaac Newton was right, when in the Law of Inertia as a compulsory condition of inertia has pointed the "absence of action of external forces".
Indeed, only in a completely empty space a trajectory of a particle moving by inertia never deviate from a straight line.
In the real conditions, where the space is filled with particles of all kinds of quality and everywhere gravity and antigravity fields manifest, the straightness of trajectory is necessarily violated. If in the particle in addition to the Inertial Force any more Force arises, then the particle, without ceasing to move inertially, may at the same time shifts under the influence of other force, for example, to come near to the source of Attraction Field or to move away from the source of Field of Repulsion. Ether emitted by the particle, also continues to repel it forward. But at the same time the ethereal flow of the Field of Attraction or the Field of Repulsion shifts with itself a particle. Accordingly, the movement of the particle ceases to be straight and becomes curved.
However, not everything here is so simple. And the features of the motion of the particle - its speed and shape of the trajectory - depend on many factors. First, you need to consider what types of Forces acting on the particle and how many of them. Secondly, you must consider the value of each of the forces. And, thirdly, you need to know under what angle the vectors of Forces are located relative to one another. Only assessing all these factors, we can try to calculate what will be the direction and velocity of a particle at any given moment of time.
Besides, the character of the inertial movement of the particles will never be uniform! It’s only uneven, namely uniformly decelerated and uniformly accelerated. Accordingly, an uneven motion can be described by a value of deceleration or acceleration of the particle.
Let's look at the particles of what quality an inertial particle motion will be uniformly decelerated and of what quality it will be uniformly accelerated.
1) The uniformly decelerated character of inertial motion.
The inertial motion of the particles, which initially (outside transformation) has a Field of Attraction - the particles Yin - can only be uniformly decelerated.
What will be the velocity of a particle at any given moment of time depends on two factors:
1) The magnitude of the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of the particle.
Let’s explain the uniformly deceleration by follows.
Any particle with a Field of Attraction so and has a Field of Attraction that its rate destruction of Ether is greater than the rate of creation. In order to illustrate what is happening, let's assign to the value of the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the rate of creation, as well as the rate with which the particle is initially led to the motion relatively to the ethereal field, some conditional values that do not match the real, but truly reflect the ratio of the real magnitudes.
Now we are talking about a particle with a Field of Attraction. This means that the rate of destruction of Ether in it exceeds the rate of creation. Therefore, let the rate of destruction is equal to 3 conventional units, and the rate of creation – to 1 conventional unit. As we have seen, the Force of Inertia – this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle, i.e. a Field of Repulsion appearing in the particle. The Force of Inertia is equal to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate of emission rate of Ether by the rear hemisphere. As is known, the appearing in the particle a Field of Repulsion consists of own Ether of the particle liberated in it (born there) and of external Ether, entering, but not destroyed. Until then, until all nascent Ether is not released, we can’t talk about accession to the Field of Repulsion of external Ether. In order to that all born in the particle Ether is released in the form of the Field of Repulsion, it is necessary that the rate of displacement of the particle relative to the ethereal field is equal to the rate of destruction of Ether. I.e. in our case it is equal to 3 conventional units. Then the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion arising in the particle is equal to 1 conventional unit that corresponds to the rate of creation of Ether. If the velocity of the initial displacement of the particle is less than 3 conventional units, then a Field of Repulsion is less than 1 conventional unit. A Field of Repulsion equal to 1 conventional unit shifts the particle also on a rate equal to 1 conventional unit that will lead to further decrease of the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion.
A Field of Repulsion with a value less than 3 conventional units, which arises in the particle in the rear hemisphere, does not allow to push a particle with such speed that would fully satisfy the need of the particle in destroyed Ether. As a result, less Ether is released which is born in the particle. The more its amount is "spent" by the particle itself. As a result, a Field of Repulsion decreases, which reduces the velocity of the particle. Reducing of the speed makes the particle absorb an even larger part of Ether created in it, which further reduces the Field of Repulsion of the particle, etc. And so it carried out a gradual deceleration of the inertial motion of a particle with a Field of Attraction. And, accordingly, the nature of such inertial motion is uniformly decelerated.
In assessing the value of the speed with which the particle should initially displaced to its inertial motion is though uniformly decelerated, but still long enough, you should also remember that there are particles with the same magnitude of Fields of Attraction, but they differ in both the rate of disappearance of Ether, and in the rate of creation.
2) The uniformly accelerated character of inertial motion.
In the particles having Fields of Repulsion and out of the transformation process - the particles Yang - inertial motion can only be uniformly accelerated. And just as in the case of particles with Fields of Attraction, the speed of inertial motion at each moment of time is determined by two factors:
1) The magnitude of the initial velocity of the particle;
2) The quality of the particle.
Let’s explain the reasons for the uniformly accelerated character of inertial motion of particles Yang.
All particles with Fields of Repulsion and because possess by the Fields of Repulsion that their speed of creation of Ether is more than the speed of destruction.
Let us, by analogy with particles Yin we estimate the rate of destruction of Ether, i.e. the speed of creation, as well as the speed with which the particle is initially led to the motion relatively to the ethereal field, using abstract conventional units, truly reflect the ratio of these values.
In the particle with the Field of Repulsion the rate of creation of Ether always exceeds the rate of destruction. Let the rate of destruction is equal to 1 conventional unit, and the rate of creation - to 3 conventional units. As already mentioned, the Force of Inertia this is Ether emitted by the rear hemisphere of the particle, i.e. a Field of Repulsion, which in this case increases. The Force of Inertia is equal to the magnitude of the Field of Repulsion, i.e. to the rate of emission of Ether by the rear hemisphere. The Field of Repulsion consists of own Ether of the particle released in it (born there) and of external Ether, entering, but not destroyed. Until all nascent Ether is not released, there is no joining to the Field of Repulsion of external Ether.
As mentioned earlier, the particle can move inertially only when entering into Ether in front of it if it satisfies the "need" of the particle on Ether, and as a result in a particle a Field of Repulsion appears. But particles that initially have Fields of Repulsion need not to seek its emergence with the help of transformation. Transformation can only increase the Field of Repulsion. Thus, even the minimum initial velocity of the particle with the Field of Repulsion increases this Field, because to naturally existing Field of Repulsion that amount of created Ether is added, which because of the entering into the particle Ether in front of it stops it used for destruction. Even the initial speed equal to 1 % of 1 conventional unit will lead to the increase of the Field of Repulsion and the beginning of inertial motion. Increase of the Field of Repulsion increases the rate at which the emitted Ether pushes the particle forward. Increase of the speed of the motion again leads to increase of the Field of Repulsion of the particle, which further increases the velocity of the particle, etc. The process of the growing of the Field of Repulsion and, consequently, of the acceleration of the particle continues until all "need " in the destroyed Ether does not cease to be satisfied at the expense of the resources of own Ether created in the particle and does not start fully replenished by Ether entering into the particle in front of it. After that, the inertial motion of a particle is stabilized, ceases to accelerate and becomes uniform. In this case the velocity of the particle is equal to the speed of creation of Ether by the particle. Note, it is not to the speed of naturally existing at the particle the Field of Repulsion (i.e., outside of the process of transformation), namely the speed of creation of Ether.
We can sum up and conclude that the particles which have Fields of Repulsion and out of the process of transformation can be led to a state of inertial motion much easier compared with the particles initially have Fields of Attraction. The word "easier" means that for particles with Fields of Repulsion, any even the minimum initial speed fits. While not every initial speed will cause the inertial motion of a particle with a Field of Attraction.
Дата добавления: 2016-06-22; просмотров: 1359;