System of higher education
Higher Education in the United Kingdom refers to the program, the aim of which is awarding Bachelor Degree, Master Degree or a Doctoral or PhD Degree. Higher education is provided in universities, high schools, some higher education colleges.
United Kingdom is a country with a long history and ancient traditions of training of foreigners in their higher education institutions. British education has the international level and the highest quality on a wide range of subjects. All educational institutions are accredited by the UK British Council or other authorized organizations. The level of teaching is very high, and more than 90% of the students successfully complete the universities and institutes.
The minimum age for students is generally 18 years. Most prospective students come to the university right after high school, but in recent years there is an increasing number of older students who study after graduating from college, vocational or further education institutions.
In Great Britain there are 87 universities and plus 64 non-university institutions, such as colleges, training on the higher education system, such as the world-famous London College of Fashion, where many of the leading designers of the world studied, or college of art and design, or Agricultural College. All of them also provide graduates with higher education degrees.
The term "college" often brings some confusion in the understanding of the British educational system, because colleges are usually called secondary schools (like Eton), non-high schools and universities also. The college-university can exist independently, and can be a part of the University. For example, London School of Economics and Political Science is a part of London University.
In Britain, there is a firm conviction that a good university is an old university. The diplomas of those universities that have received university status recently are rated as less prestigious and less solid.
Training at the university is divided into the first stage of courses (undergraduate) and the next stage of training (postgraduate). The first stage of course normally lasts three years (in some cases four, and on the medical faculties - five or six), after which the graduate receives a bachelor’s degree, such as: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Natural Sciences, etc.
About a third of those who passed the first university degree, a bachelor's degree, continue education at higher level courses: postgraduate. It usually lasts two to three years. The master's degree is a higher qualification in their chosen profession and consequently opens up more opportunities for career.
The main sources of funding for UK universities are government grants, tuition fees introduced by the students or local boards of education, grants from research organizations that sponsor individual research projects, and private donations from charitable or commercial organizations that fund certain research programs.
Cash received from the budget are distributed among the universities according to the number of students enrolled in them. Education is carried out according to certain disciplines. The choice of these courses depends on the volume of their study costs. For example, courses for which you want to use only the library will cost less than those for which it is necessary to use the laboratories and sophisticated equipment. Some of the government subsidies are distributed among the universities according to the quality of scientific research.
The Department of Education and Science is the main body of the funding of universities and other higher education institutions. It does not exercise direct management of universities, but its influence in recent years has increased significantly.
The body, which coordinates the activities of the British universities, is the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Rectors of universities. It is in charge of: the submission of all universities in the country; the development of the strategy and tactics of university relations with government agencies.
1. What can you say from the history of schools?
2. What are LEAs and what are theу responsible for?
3. When and what for the 11+ examination is held?
4. Name three types of state schools which exist in Great Britain.
5. Tell about primary education.
6. In what types of secondary schools can pupils continue their education?
7. What parts is the British school syllabus divided into?
8. Can you say about education in private schools?
9. What exams and tests are the pupils and students to pass?
10. Where can the pupils receive higher education in Great Britain?
11. What do you know about history of Oxford and Cambridge?
12. Name levels of higher education in Great Britain.
13. What is the procedure to enter the university?
1. Economical development of the UK.
2. Holidays and traditions.
Дата добавления: 2021-09-25; просмотров: 524;