Miscellaneous Examples

I. Having been used for a long time, the instrument partly lost its former efficiency. 2. The pressure range being beyond the limits of the existing diagram, data have been calculated by other means. 3. To do this, one proceeds as follows. 4. This prediction was given a direct proof by experiments, the results surpassing all expectations. 5. The very number of tube types may at first seem to be a source of confusion. 6. Drawing curves gives us a means of showing the relation ex­isting between the two constants. 7. Wishing to find out the cause of the fault, they examined the device in all its details. 8. The charge due to the presence of these electrons is called space charge. 9. That the beat of any pendulum is absolutely constant was first noticed by Galileo, when the scientist was a youth of nineteen. 10. By raising the filament temperature, we increase the number of emitted electrons. 11. In order to de­sign the contrivance in question, one should take into consid­eration the following factors. 12. Some 100 years ago steam engines were first introduced, the valves being hand-operated. 13. The next point to be studied is the geometry of the parts to be welded. 14. The stored power can be dissipated in vari­ous ways, these ways having been dealt with in the previous article. 15. Phototransistors are capable of transforming the infrared solar radiations into electric current. 16. The flow of the current being reduced, the speed of the motor is correspond­ingly decreased. 17. It is evident that these curves are similar to those shown in Figs 5 and 6. 18. As for the mechanism re­ferred to above, it should be made as small as possible. 19. All heat loss was assumed to take place during combustion and expansion, the total loss amounting to 35 per cent of the avail­able heat in every instance. 20. One may surmise that were there fewer drawbacks there would be better work done. 21. It is on the above basis that all our power plants are constructed at present. 22. It should be noted that this analysis differs considerably from a recently published explanation. 23. One might expect the temperature to rise to some extent if no precautions were taken. 24. Further tests have shown the re­ceiver to be very sensitive. 25. The conditions to be satisfied here are as follows. 26. The instrument to be used for testing purposes is similar to that widely applied in the research laboratories. 26. We know of copper having been used as a conductor owing to its suitable characteristics. 27. Copper being a good conductor, we were recommended to use it when carrying on our research work. 28. In spite of all difficulties encountered the research laboratory succeeded in mastering the method under consideration. 29. During cold weather it often happens that the engine exhaust is not sufficient to supply the heating system, the radiators condensing the steam more rapidly than it can be supplied. 30. At the end of the last century, for the first time in the world, Popov trans­mitted and received electromagnetic power over a consider­able distance without using any conductors. 31. Apart from giving mankind a powerful means of communication, Popov's work laid the foundation for further inventions leading to the creation of the modern systems of broadcasting, radiolocation and the like. 32. Although he was not the first to invent radio communication, Marconi nevertheless played an important part in developing it. 33. We know heat to pass from each particle to adjacent particles at a lower temperature. 34. Our purpose is to reduce the production cost to as low a figure as possible. 35. As previously stated, to construct such an appa­ratus is not difficult at all. 36. To master new methods of production is the aim of our research laboratory. 37. The parts to be used in the apparatus are to be previously tested. 38. Variations in this temperature affecting the final results but little, the new method of procedure was found to be entire­ly satisfactory. 39. The previously stated properties influence to a great extent the manner in which the device can most usefully be employed. 40. These series of tests were followed by others, no satisfactory results being obtained. 41. The two-way nature of force (i. е., action and reaction) holds true even though one of the objects involved moves so little that it does not seem to move at all. 42. As mentioned above some improvements have been sacrificed for the sake of obtaining the least possible size and weight. 43. These conditions per­mitted oil to be forced by a pump before starting operation. 44. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained and started testing various engines. 45. The amount of heat power added as the result of agitation was found to be negligible, no rise in tem­perature being observed upon prolonged agitation, with the heater current turned off. 46. On leaving the oil separator, the exhaust steam is diverted into two parts, part of it entering the feed water heater and the remainder flowing to the heating system. 47. The effect of the test on the system may be said to have been practically negligible as far as harmful effects are concerned. 48. These materials being unsuitable for many reasons, some others must be found to replace them. 49. Max­well's equation led to Hertz discovering radio waves which, in turn, resulted in Popov inventing wireless telegraphy and all the subsequent brilliant developments in radio-engineering. 50. Thanks to the theoretical research carried out by our phys­icists and chemists, it proved possible to build atomic reac­tors provided with the proper equipment. 51. To observe is the primary rule of any experiment. 52. To prevent rust the exposed parts of the mechanism under consideration should be covered with a thick coat of paint. 53. Scientists of all countries should join their forces to make science serve peace and the well-being of mankind.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 1445;

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