Vowels in the unstressed position

All vowels in the unstressed position underwent a qualitative change and became the vowel of the type of [ə] or [e] unstressed. This phonetic change had a far-reaching effect upon the system of the grammatical endings of the English words which now due to the process of reduction became homonymous. For example:

- forms of strong verbs

Old English writan – wrāt – writon – written

with the suffixes –an,-on,-en different only in the vowel component became homonymous in middle English:

written – wrōt – written

- forms of nouns

Old English Nominative Plural a-stem fiscas

Genitive Singular fisces

Middle English for both the forms is fisces;


Old English Dative Singular fisce

Genitive Plural fisca

Middle English form in both cases is fisce.


Vowels under stress

Qualitative changes

- changes of monophthongs

Three long monophthongs underwent changes in Middle English:



Old English Middle English New English

ā > ō stān stōn stone

bāt bōt boat


ǽ > ē slǽpan slēpen sleep



ў > ī fўr fīr fire



The rest of the monophthongs presenting their original quality, for the example:


Old English Middle English


ē [ē] tēþ teeth

ō [ō] tōþ tooth

ū ūt out

ī tīma time



out of the seven principal Old English short monophthongs: a,e,o,I,u,æ,y – two changed their quality in Middle English thus [æ] became [a] and [y] became [i], the rest of the monophthongs remaining unchanged, for example:


Old English Middle English

þæt that

wæs was

first first


tellan tellen

hors hors

singan singen

putan putten


- changes of diphthongs


all Old English diphthongs were contracted (became monothongs) at the end of the old English period.




Old English Middle English

ēo > ē dēop deep

ēa > ē brēad bread


eo > e seofon seven

ea > a eald ald



But instead of the former diphthongs that had undergone contraction at the end of the Old English period there appeared in Middle English new diphthongs. The new diphthongs. The new diphthongs sprang into being due to the vocalization of the consonant [j] after the front vowels [e] or [æ] or due to the vocalization of the consonant [γ] or the semi-vowel [w] after the back vowels [o] and [a]. For instance:


Old English Middle English


dæз > dæз > dai

weз > weз > wei

grēз > greз > grei

draзan > drawen > drauen

āзan > 8wen > ouen

boзa > bowe > boue


Thus in Middle English there appeared four new diphthongs: [ai], [ei], [au], [ou].


Quantative changes

Besides qualitative changes mentioned above vowels under stress underwent certain changes in quantity.


- lengthening of vowels

The first lengthening of vowels took place as early as Late old English (IX century). All vowels which occurred before the combinations of consonants such as mb, nd, ld became long.


Old English Middle English New English


[i] > [i:] climban climben climb

Findan finden find

Cild cild child


[u] > [u:] hund hound hound


The second lengthening of vowels took place in Middle English (XII – XIII century). The vowel [a], [o] and [e] were affected by the process. This change can be observed when the given vowels are found in an open syllable.


Old English Middle English New English


a > ā talu tale tale

e > ē sprecan speken speak

o > ō hopian hopen hope


- Shortening of vowels

All long vowels were shortened in Middle English if they are found before two consonants (XI century).


Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 4009;

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