Kinematic Equations

We now use the defining equations for acceleration and velocity to derive two of our kinematic equations:


υxf = υxi + axt (for constant ax) (3)




xf = xi + υxi t+1/2axt2 (for constant ax) (4)


The defining equation for acceleration,


ax =dυx/dt


may be written as x = ax dt or, in terms of an integral (or antiderivative), as



3. Summary(Lectures 1 – 3 )



When a particle moves along the x axis from some initial position xi to some final position xf , its displacementis

Δx = xf - xi

The average velocityof a particle during some time interval is the displacement Δx divided by the time interval Δt during which that displacement occurs:

υx,avg = Δx/Δt

The average speedof a particle is equal to the ratio of the total distance it travels to the total time interval during which it travels that distance

υavg = d/Δt

The instantaneous velocity of a particle is defined as the limit of the ratio Δx/Δt as Δt approaches zero. By definition, this limit equals the derivative of x with respect to t, or the time rate of change of the position:

The average accelerationof a particle is defined as the ratio of the change in its velocity Δυx divided by the time interval Δt during which that change occurs:


Дата добавления: 2016-07-18; просмотров: 1175;

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