Evolution of Pathological Anatomy

Ancient history of diseases dates back to the time of Hippocrates (460—377 B.C.). He first affirmed that disease was alteration in the body and not due to some curse or evil spirit.

As dissection was prohibited for many centuries, Pathological Anatomy began to develop as a separate branch of science only in the 16th century. The first scientific book in pathology was the work of an Italian anatomist

J. Morgagni (1682—1771) «On site and causes of diseases revealed by anatomist» (published in 1761). The author had studied 700 corpses.

The first textbook on Special Pathological Anatomy written by A.Beily (1799—1858) was published in the middle of the 18th century.

In the 19th century pathology departments were founded in Berlin, Paris, Vien, Moscow, Petersburg. Such prominent scientists as M. Schleiden (1804— 1881), T. Schwann (1810—1882), K.Rokitansky (1804—1878), R. Virchow (1821—1902). K.Rokitansky and R.Virchow being pathologists contributed much to pathology development. K.Rokitansky was the last representative of the humoral theory of

pathology which reined during many centuries but it did not have any scientific base.

R. Virchow, the greatest German pathologist, brought the changes in the body to the level of cells by his famous publication of «Cellular pathology» in 1858. This theory proved true by microscopical study of sections cut by microtomes made possible by technological advances in machine manufacture.

In the 20th century pathology has been developing rapidly. This century, further studies in medical sciences have made possible cellular study at molecular, ultrastructural level using new modern methods of investigation (electronic and luminescent microscopy, histochemical and enzyme techniques, autoradiography).



Lesion(alteration) is a change in the cell structure, intercellular substance, tissues, and organs accompanied by disturbances in their vital activity.

There are different morphological manifestations of a lesion in the cells and tissues. Subcellular alteration, which largely occurs as a response to more of less constant stimuli and intracellular accumulation of a number of substances, due to the disturbances in cellular metabolism or excessive storage, as well as cell death (necrosis and apoptosis) have been described in the cells.


Visible changes occur in the cells as a result of noxious agents, the degree of changes varying with the severity of the damaging processes: with minor damage the repair mechanisms changes, more severe damage results in cell death. There are a lot of genetic and acquired causes of cell injury.

Genetic causes of cellular injury producing disease may result from one of the following abnormalities:

1. Abnormalities of chromosomes. 2. Abnormalities of genes carried by chromosomes. 3. Disorders with multifactorial inheritance. 4. Disorders with variable genetic pattern.

Дата добавления: 2016-07-27; просмотров: 2021;

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