Charles Robert Darwin

The famous naturalist and thinker, Charles Darwin, (to be born) on February the 12th, 1809. The family (to live) near Shrewsbury, not far from the river Severn. Charles’ father was a well-known physician, a son of scientist Erasmus Darwin. Charles’ father (to hope) that his son also (to become) a Fellow of Royal Society.

As a boy Charles always (to walk) in the fields, shooting or rathunting. He was observing nature and comparing his observations with everything he (to read) in natural science books.

At sixteen Charles (to go) to Edinburgh University to become a doctor. He had no vocation for it but he was interested greatly in the natural history. During the hours of low tide he (to collect) various sea animals on the shore and (to study) them. Even while he was a student he (to make) two minor discoveries.

After two years of Edinburgh Charles still (to take) no interest whatsoever in his future profession so his father sent him to Cambridge to work for his degree so that he (may become) a parson (священник).

In the spring of 1831 Charles took his degree but refused to become a parson. Two of his professors (to encourage) him to make a special study of geology and in August of the same year he went to the Welsh mountains with a geological expedition.

Some time later he (to hear) that H.M.S.Beagle (to be to set off) on a trip to South America for a cartographical survey of the coast and wanted a naturalist. His biology professor’s advice was to go.

The expedition was away almost five years. The Beagle (to make) a very thorough study of the waters off the east and west coasts of South America and of the adjacent islands. The Beagle also (to visit). New Zealand, Australia and the Coral Islands in the Indian Ocean and on the way home Brazil and the Azores. His work on the geology of these countries and that of coral islands (to become) the subject of volumes that he (to publish) on his return.

Like most people in those days he (to think) that each species (to exist) thousands of years and never (to change). But during his travels he (to see) that different species of plants and animals, found in different parts of the earth in some ways (to be) similar.

It was when he was trying to explain the wild life of the Galapagos islands that he hit upon a solution: plants and animals (to change) to suit their surroundings.

In 1859 Darwin (to finish) his book “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”. It (to cause) a sensation. So did his later book “The Descent of Man”. The clergy, politicians, even some scientists came to agree with him. Darwin continued his research until his sudden death in 1882. He (to be buried) in Westminster Abbey, near I. Newton’s grave.

Ex. 12. Complete the sentences with the best form of the verbs in brackets.

People (to observe) the Moon since old days. The Moon (to be) a spherical heavenly body, much smaller than the Earth. It (to rotate) on its axis in a period which it (to take) it to orbit the Earth. As a result the same side of the Moon is visible from the Earth. The Moon (to appear) bright but it is not self luminous like the stars. It (to reflect) light and is really an opaque body. The Earth (to pull) the Moon and the Moon (to pull) the Earth according to the law of universal gravity.

Besides this natural satellite the Earth (to have) a large number of artificial ones. Indeed, several minor satellites (to rotate) around the Earth just now, which (to manifest) the power of human knowledge. Their distances from the Earth and the rates of movement (to differ). A great number of them (to flow) in space since the 60s of the 20th century.

There (to be) a universal law (to explain) the make-up and the movement of all heavenly bodies. There (to be) also major and minor laws which (to grasp) the whole scope of differences between these bodies.


Task 13. Look at this timetable for the Earth Sciences department at a university. The time now is 6 o’clock on the Wednesday evening. Say what has already happened and what is going to happen.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09.00 Prof. Jones (L) Energy Prof. Jones (S) Energy Mr. Roberts (L) Properties of the earth Mr. Roberts (L) The moving earth Mr. Roberts (S) The earth in space
10.00 Mr. Smith (L) Earth materials Prof. Jones (T) Energy Mr. Roberts (L) The earth in space Prof. Jones (S) Matter Mr. Smith (T) Soil
11.00 Mr. Smith (L) Minerals Mr. Smith (L) Rocks Mr. Smith (T) Soil Mr. Roberts (S) The earth as a planet Prof. Jones (S) Matter
14.00     Mr. Smith (S) Earth materials Mr. Smith (T) Minerals Mr. Smith (T) Rocks

L= lecture; S = seminar; T= tutorial


Дата добавления: 2021-10-28; просмотров: 493;

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